It’s spring break season and gearing up for vacation is half the fun. The thought of warm weather and a change of scenery is enough to inspire a healthier outlook on all levels. We’re starting to crave lighter foods—less comfort, more energy—spending more time outdoors, and adopting fresh fitness goals.

Whether working out in the studio or at home, chances are you’ve been putting in extra effort in preparation for baring some skin on that sunshine retreat. Plus, you’re not going to work out on vacation… right?

Rest days are totally acceptable, and vacation is a good time for those. But research suggests that cardiovascular fitness begins to decline after 7–10 days of inactivity, and strength gains after 4–6 weeks (phew!). So, how do we relish in departure from the daily grind without throwing away all our hard work and then paying for it when we return?

“Striking a balance on vacation is key,” says Corner Studio trainer Ally Ranville. For someone who believes in consistency, sacrifice, and discipline to obtain health goals, Ally stresses that it’s equally important to actually live and enjoy life. She admits, “Otherwise, what’s the point!?”

Here, Ally makes the case for staying in tune with our healthy lifestyle while making vacation count.

Rise or rest

It’s Day 2 of vacation: you overindulged last night and feel lethargic today. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. Ally says, “Ask yourself: ‘Is it a rest day?’ ‘Do I need to drink more water?’ ‘Or will a good sweat session help me feel better?’ It’s important to listen to your body at that point.”

Daily mantra

“Remind yourself daily: ‘Everything in moderation,’” says Ally. Staying hydrated with plenty of water, snacking on fruits and veggies, and moving your body in some way every day will support a positive mental and physical state throughout your trip.

Alternative movement

Vacation is a great opportunity to switch up your fitness moves. “Long walks, yoga, stretching, playing sports, and swimming are all amazing and fun ways to get your exercise in for the day on vacation,” offers Ally.


For those seeking a burn that mimics classic HIIT workouts, Ally recommends body weight movements. “These are strength-training exercises that use an individual's own weight to provide resistance against gravity.” Think: squats, push-ups, pull-ups, planks, and lunges. Ally adds, “Combining these with cardio bursts like jumping jacks, squat jumps, high knees, and burpees will create that classic HIIT calorie burner and shred we all know and love.”

Keep up with The Corner

Going on an extended vacay? Can’t part with your normal routine? We got you! Take The Corner Studio with you wherever you go by purchasing a daily, weekly, or monthly pass through MindBody to gain unlimited access to our digital library. Use The Corner Studio App to choose from our growing archive of workouts, FREE for the week of March 29.

Safe travels to all and Happy Spring!

See You at The Corner.

The Corner Studio